Residential Renovation

Home Office

We have a wide selection of designs available for you. These are just some of the top designs. We can discuss further on how we can customise it to suit your needs.



The recent pandemic have forced many of us to be in lockdown for more than a year. This has created an interesting shift in working patterns. More and more people; both employees and employers, are more open to the idea of working from home. This led to a huge demand for home office renovation.

Having a home office that is medium to long term takes more than just putting a table in a corner of the room. ​​From desk position, to square footage, to windows and more, there’s a lot to consider when you’re remodeling a home office

To put you in a more positive and productive mood your home office design should include these essentials:

  • Spacious desk
  • Ergonomic office chair
  • Modern electronic gadgets (computer, monitor, printer, wireless router, etc.)
  • Storage and organization
  • Enough soft lighting to prevent eye strain

Renovation costs for a home office space vary depending on how you’re building the home office. Are you transforming a bedroom? Adding a wall in a living space? Installing a new window, maybe?

What You Will Get

Whether you’re converting a spare room, breaking down walls, or building a separate shack in the backyard, ANA Build will help you realise your vision. The range and scope of this undertaking is quite big as it all depends on what is right for you.

What you can be assured of is whether it is to provide specialised technicians, customised fittings, or draft a plan, we have it all. We will build your ideas into reality.

Idea Board

A home office can be as simple or as complex as you want. You may have some ideas already, but here are some others for you to consider.

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